Links to some great sites and some have links to additional sites.
One could get lost for days just browsing through all of the linked sites.

NavSource-Jallao Great information and pictures of the Jallao
Wisconsin Maritime Website The Submarine Experience
28 Fresh Water Submarines Jallao was one of them
HullNumber A shipmate locator for submarines and targets
Decklog USS Jallao page: Boat, Crew, Reunion info, and more.
USSVI United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. An outstanding organization of and for all submarine veterans
Goat Locker The Submariner Page –Once a submariner, always a submariner
Submarine Sailor Another shipmate search, news and information.
Nova PBS site with lots of great submarine information.
Eternal Patrol Dedicated to all men lost while serving our Country
25 Museum Submarines Located across the United States
Submarine Memorials and Artifacts U.S. Submarine Memorials and Artifacts Locator File
H. L. Hunley The first combat submarine in world history
USS Bowfin Static display in Pearl Harbor. A great site and a must stop for all.
USS Icefish A very well done site, worth a visit.
USS Cod Another well done site, the virtual tour alone is worth a visit.
USS Sea Leopard Another site worth a visit.
US Sub Tenders A great tribute to those that supported us.
PigBoats US Submarines, Pre WWI, WWI, Post WWI, 1920’s , 1930’s, to Submarines in the 1940’s
NavSource A great photographic history of the U S Navy.
Submarine Time Line Timeline of world submarines 1941-2000
Ron’s submarine Page Ron has set up a page of submarine covers with a lot of good information.

Other Military links

Military Retirees Travel Sites

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